I want you to understand in what side of the wide mummy spectrum I am.
I am here, as an experienced mummy, who has a background in mental health and coaching, and also is non judgemental about what other carers offer. I understand that there is somehow an overlap with adult babies and the fetish scene well and I understand all needs. However, this is not a fetish service in the slightest. I don´t humiliate you for wearing a diaper or for anything related to it, as I would not humiliate anyone for that reason, or any reason. This is a very special therapeutic AB care service with a dose of art and great attention to detail.
Mummies are different to each other, and I have a very clear brand and that is the mummy experience: a motherly experience for the adult. And I stick to my brand, because I believe in what I'm doing, and I'm doing something good for the world.

In the same line, I won't have a relationship with you. I have strong professional boundaries. Even if we like each other, I am not your girlfriend or anything similar. I do have a little who is a relationship to me, yes, and that´s all I am going to have in this respect. Besides, would you have a relationship with your dentist? or you physiotherapist? or you piano teacher? No matter how much you like each other or how well you get on and the great conversations you have, there is a professional boundary there, and I am a professional lady. I will care for you, yes, but you have to realise that if you don´t ask your doctor to be your partner, you don´t ask me to be your girlfriend.
I say this because of some young people out there who want "weekly sessions" to "get to know me better and take it from there". I explain this to them with utter patience. But I thought it would be good to also publish it as a post too.
Mummy has a lot of patience.